“To give witness with joy and simplicity…”

Chelsea is a reader from New Zealand (!) and also the editor of Restless Press, which has the amazing “vision to be a modern design, magazine inspired, Australasian based website, containing real life and popular culture from a Catholic Christian perspective, across the spectrum of charisms.” She also gave this great little snippet about it on her blog Grow the Roses, including this quote from Pope Francis, which she said summed up the Restless Press mission quite well:

To give witness with joy and simplicity to who we are and what we believe in.”

Amazing mission, right? She asked me a few weeks ago if I would mind doing a little interview about Sancta Nomina, why and how I got started doing it, and I’m really humbled and overjoyed that she would think I fit in with her mission, how beautiful and wholesome.

The interview posted on Sunday — here it is for your reading pleasure! 🙂

Naming Catholic Babies: Kate from Sancta Nomina

So cool, right?! And get this — she called me “a baby name guru”!! Seriously guys, my life is made. Never in a million years have I ever thought others would think my obsession with love for names would get me anywhere. 😀 Nor did I think I’d get to connect with people from all over the world who love the names of our faith as I do! My heart swells, “my soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” God is so good. ❤


20 thoughts on ““To give witness with joy and simplicity…”

  1. Ohhh, what a wonderful interview! It is so fun to read over the genesis of your “calling.” Of course, I happen to know that the real beginning of this part of your life “began” so very long ago.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, please bless you and this blessed work.

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  2. Also who knew when I was 10 and absconded with my parents copies of the “A Saint for Your Name” books and then bought my first “real” baby name book at age 11 (after which I invented an entire carefully catalogued HUGE imaginary extended family with names I carefully selected to “go” together—and why I LOVED Baby Name Wizard so much when it came out, because so many of the ways she categorized names were the same as I had been since I was 11), that I would grow up and find my naming twin?! My obsession with names made me a great friend, which is the best!

    These are where it started for me!

    A Saint for Your Name: Girls https://www.amazon.com/dp/0879733217/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_K9NLwb2ZYG45K


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