Reading round-up

Have you seen this article? Totally fascinating: Six Words: “My name is Jamaal … I’m White.” (“NPR continues a series of conversations from The Race Card Project, in which thousands of people have submitted their thoughts on race and cultural identity in six words.“)

I loved this article explaining all the family connections — paternal AND maternal — in Princess Charlotte’s name: Charlotte Elizabeth Diana: The Meaning Behind the New Princess’s Name. I particularly love that Diana is the only name that honors only one person — it’s totally unambiguous who’s getting the honor. Will and Kate did a brilliant job.

AND — did you all see that Nameberry co-founder Pamela Satran totally called the Princess’ exact name? On Canadian TV the night before the name was announced!

A reader emailed with the news of the 13th baby boy born to the Schwandt family — I’d known she was pregnant, but hadn’t heard that she’d had another boy, what a household! And his name! Francisco Matthew! See what Michigan family names 13th son, now 2 days old

Finally, I was so taken with this name discussion over on Nameberry: Brother due for sister Bramble. First off — Bramble! I am so loving Bramble! I’m in awe that they came up with such a great, unused name! Second, someone suggested Brogue — Brogue! Ohmygoodness, Bramble and Brogue??? I’m sure it’s too much Br- for the parents, and it would be for me too, but I’ve been saying the names to myself for days, just enjoying them. Bramble and Brogue. (My first idea was Thicket. Haha! If they didn’t have Bramble, I’d say Thicket’s a pretty cool name for a boy, if super nature names are one’s taste. My second idea was Caspian, which I quite like.)

5 thoughts on “Reading round-up

  1. One of the best things about your blog, Kate, is how open you are to all different naming styles. So many naming “purists” would scoff at a name like Bramble (which I like, too! But then, I also really like the name Apple, enough that I keep it on my short list even though I know it’s incredibly unlikely I’d ever use it). I love that you keep such an open mind to all different sorts of names, even if they fall outside your own personal naming style. Thanks for always keeping it so fresh!

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  2. That’s pretty amazing watching the interview with the Nameberry co-founder… it’s not often anyone calls a baby’s entire name like that!!

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