NamePrint Printables

I have a new little something for you — not too long ago a friend of mine asked me if I could make up something for her to give to a friend who’d just had a baby — something that explained the baby’s name in a faith-y way. I wasn’t quite sure what she wanted so we discussed it a little and I showed her my idea and she loved it and reported later that her friend who’d received it as a gift loved it too.

So I thought I’d offer it here, and I came up with the clever little name NamePrints (like fingerprints! Or like, “Print your name here” …). They’re printables only — I’d deliver them to you via email as digital JPEG files for you to print as many times as you like, either on your home printer or at a print shop like FedEx or Kinko’s. I have a boy and a girl design (only because I didn’t think boys would love the super unmanly Sancta Nomina roses), and I’ve used my own name and Pope Francis’ birth name to demonstrate (below). 🙂

They’re $25.00 each, and to order just email me at sanctanomina (at) gmail (dot) com specifying style (girl or boy) and names and I’ll send you an invoice when it’s ready. I’ve also created a new NamePrint Printables tab for quick reference.

Happy Thursday y’all!!


The girl style: Sweet, feminine Sancta Nomina roses on the bottom.


The boy style: Very masculine blue crosses on the bottom.

15 thoughts on “NamePrint Printables

  1. I will need a gross to explain our new baby’s name, which you and all your readers almost definitely GET immediately as did our priest and a random guy at the chiropractor 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      • We hadn’t decided until after the birth because we didn’t know boy or girl and let our eldest, his Godmother, choose his middle name! His name is Tiber Augustine Édouard – Lily chose after St. Augustine, St. Édouard and Édouard Manet 😊


  2. Sorry but the boy’s design seems like the type of design that a funeral home would use… Maybe if you replace it for a little opened Bible, or a dove… It would still be religious, yet not funerary nor girly.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. These would make a very nice gift. Very well done and clever. I have seen the cards with baby name on them w/ meaning, but this is so much more personalized and Catholic. You could take requests to mention specific saint connections if it wasn’t after the well known ones.

    I don’t mind the crosses – definitely not as decorative as the flowers for the girls, but didn’t make me think of a funeral at all. If you are looking to change it up though, another way to incorporate a cross (that wouldn’t be at all funeral-y and would be more decorative/colorful) is to use a heraldry cross/shield. Heraldry has a great history in the Church and is a means of identification –just like a name.


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