A political post

Don’t worry! It’s not that kind of political post — nothing here to get anyone riled up!

(And before I continue, I just have to tell you all that I went to the Syracuse Catholic Women’s Conference yesterday and got to meet two of you wonderful ladies [and see a beautiful baby named after our St. John Paul the Great!] — what an amazing blessing in the midst of an incredibly blessed day!! I posted a couple pics from the conference to my Instagram with some highlights from the talks, if you’re interested. Also, I found out this morning that yesterday was the feast of Bl. Chiara Luce Badano, which is quite meaningful for me. Just a great day, all around.)

The Election Is Coming and the very best thing we can do for our country and the most vulnerable among us is pray pray pray. I’ve been loving Bl. Karl of Austria recently, both because he’s awesome and because he was a good and honorable leader of his country — he’s a perfect intercessor for the election. (I loved this article Blessed Karl: A Holy Emperor — On October 21st, remembering one of the few unequivocal heroes of the Great War.)

The St. Michael Prayer seems particularly appropriate for these times:

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

And of course the Rosary, one of the most powerful weapons against evil. (Speaking of, Fr. Calloway’s new book Champions of the Rosary is ah-MAZ-ing. The whole first section is how God spent a few centuries forging this new “sword” that literally hung from priest’s belts like soldiers’ scabbards. An awesome awesome book.)

I’ve also seen a call to say a Novena for the elections, starting today and ending on the evening before Election Day, which soothes me to no end, knowing that so many people will be praying specifically for protection for our country. This novena was written specifically for this intention, and asks for the intercession of some heavy hitting saints.

My family and I will be saying all these prayers, starting today (which is why I’m breaking my Sunday blog fast to post this, in hopes it’s helpful for all of you), (and I’m adding in the additional intention that I don’t forget to do so every day!). It’s such a comfort to know that there’s actually something real and powerful we can do to help!

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