Birth announcement: Walter Jude!

I received the most wonderful email from a reader, Kasey, who wanted to let me know that the blog was helpful in naming her baby! She and her husband welcomed a baby boy and gave him the fantastic name … Walter Jude!

She writes,

My husband and I are thrilled to announce that Walter Jude arrived on April 4, 2018, joining older siblings Vincent Michael (age 3.5) and Brigid Rose (age 2). Vinny is named after St. Vincent de Paul and St. Michael the Archangel (and his papa). Brigid (sometimes known as Gigi) is named after St. Brigid of Ireland and the Blessed Mother under her title the Mystical Rose. Walter is named for St. Walter of Pontoise and St. Jude Thaddeus the apostle. We aren’t sure yet if Walter will have a nickname or call name other than his given name, but time will tell!

Aren’t these wonderful names?? I love the combo Walter Jude! I love how heavy hitting his big sibs’ names are! And Gigi for Brigid is SO cute!!

Congratulations to the whole family, and happy birthday Baby Walter!!

Edited to add: Kasey said it would be fine to add that she guest blogs at Balanced Breastfeeding, which I know some of you might find helpful.


Walter Jude and his brother and sister ❤

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