Birth announcement: James Rafael!

Good Tuesday morning! Here is another in my quest to get caught up on the births of Sancta Nomina babies!

Sylvia is a longtime member of the Sancta Nomina community — I posted a consultation and birth announcement for her fourth baby, and a name reveal and request for prayers and updated name reveal and request for prayers for her fifth baby, and a birth announcement for her sixth baby (the first boy after five girls!), and today I have the great pleasure of sharing that Sylvia and her husband welcomed another little boy! And gave him the fantastic name … James Rafael!

Sylvia writes,

His name is James Rafael. James is a family name on Scott’s side as well as he is named for the Apostle James (the Great). Rafael is after the Archangel Rafael (he goes by Rafa). Rafael means ‘God heals,’ which felt fitting since God healed my womb enough for him to be my seventh uneventful C section. We spelled it the Spanish way as a nod to my Cuban heritage. There was a beautiful street in Havana where my Abuela lived called San Rafael.”

Isn’t that great?! So handsome! All of Sylvia’s children have a middle name that starts with the R sound, and they all go by their middle names, so James Rafael goes by Rafael or, as Sylvia noted, Rafa (so sweet!). Such a fun naming style!

Congratulations to Sylvia and her husband and big sibs Ruth, Rose, Wren, Rhea, Regina, and Rex, and happy belated birthday Rafael!!

Read all about how to get your own baby name consultation from either Theresa or myself here.

For help with Marian names, my book, Catholic Baby Names for Girls and Boys: Over 250 Ways to Honor Our Lady (Marian Press, 2018), is available to order from and Amazon (not affiliate links). It’s perfect for expectant parents, name enthusiasts, and lovers of Our Lady!

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