Choosing the fabric for the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction (it’s namey!)

When Theresa and I teamed up for the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction, one of the first things she asked me to do is take a look through her fabric options and let me know if I thought any of them struck me as particularly “Gianna.” What a fun task! I’ve always loved when, for example, shoes have names — I’ve always wondered who gets to decide the names, and how do they do so? And what a fun job that would be! I worked in advertising before I had my boys, and there were a couple of times we were asked to give some time to naming a product — I LOVED those projects. (Are you surprised? šŸ˜€ )

So anyway, this was the image of St. Gianna I had in mind when I was looking through fabric swatches:


So I was thinking lighter colors — pinky maybe, or light blue — and Theresa was thinking “classy and feminine,” and one of the fabrics that hit me just right way was the one that she said she was initially drawn to as well! She said it “seems beautiful, classy, understated, and something about the blue chevrons reminds me of the Italian Alps,” which I 100% agree with. She’s paired it with a blush-y pink, and the whole effect is, in my mind, so much the picture of St. Gianna above. The mountains in the background, the blue and pink flowers on her dress … total home run. Be sure to check out the sneak peek she’s given of the fabrics!

2 thoughts on “Choosing the fabric for the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction (it’s namey!)

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