I’m going to be on Jennifer Fulwiler’s radio show today

Before I address that ridiculously amazingly awesome post title, I just want to thank all of you who participated in the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction yesterday! A lot of money was raised for some wonderful, worthwhile causes. Special thanks to Theresa, our dear reader and the mama behind the Happy Nest Home Goods Etsy shop, for creating such a beautiful set for the auction, and for asking me to partner with her in the first place. It was an honor!

Back to that post title … aahhhhhh!!!!! Yes!!! It’s true!!! I’ll be on Jen‘s show this afternoon!!! I don’t even know how my life has taken the direction it’s taken — well, of course, I do know: it’s all God, every bit of it, He has blessed me something fierce — but I’m just saying, if you’d told me not that long ago that I would be on Jen’s show I would not have believed you. That’s for big deals, not for normal me and my fun name ramblings!

It should be a lot of fun — Jen’s asked me to give her a name consultation, which you know I love to do (!!), and I have some good ideas for her — I’m excited to see if she thinks I’m spot on or if I totally missed the mark. It’ll be a nail biter! 😀

Her show runs from 2:00-4:00 Eastern time, and I’ll be on around 3:20 (maybe a few minutes earlier, maybe a few minutes later) for about twenty minutes. Here are the details for tuning in:


And I know not everyone has Sirius XM (myself included), so there’s this info also:

jen_fulwiler - Copy

Once Jen posts that free highlights podcast I’ll be sure to share it here if my segment makes the cut! (The other links from that image are here.)

So please say a prayer for me that I don’t make a huge fool of myself, especially because it’s *live* (eek!), and if any of you are able to listen, please let me know your reactions!

I hope you all have a holy and blessed Ash Wednesday!

Lenten almsgiving (to Catholic Charities) PLUS fill your Easter basket … all in one go!

I swiped the title of this post from Monica’s post of the same name over at Catholic Bloggers Network (I hope she doesn’t mind!), in which she talks about today’s Zelie & Co. Charity Auction — she lists all the bloggers and artisans who have teamed up for this endeavor, and all the charities that will benefit. Be sure to check it out!

All of the action is happening on the Zelie & Co. Instagram feed today. I’ll be posting on my own Instagram as well, but all of the bids have to happen at Zelie & Co. The auction starts at 9am Central (10am Eastern) and will go all day until midnight Central/1:00am Eastern tonight.

Here’s our beautiful set:

HappyNestZelieCharityAuction Full Set Collage2

All in all, our set includes:

The whole thing’s valued at $145! If you have babies, you know know these would be such great things to have, and they would make a wonderful gift for a new mama too — so nice to have beautiful, useful, baby-friendly things! And all of the money raised goes to charity — ours is PerpetuaLife Care, Inc., which is a 501C3 not-for-profit dedicated to supporting my local affiliate of the National Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility™, Gianna of Albany.

Thank you for any support you’re able to give this effort!


A few short hours until the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction!

I’m getting so excited about the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction — tomorrow’s the day!

Theresa has worked so hard to put together a simply beautiful set of items for the auction, which will benefit PerpetuaLife Care, Inc., which is a 501C3 dedicated to supporting my local affiliate of the National Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility™, Gianna of Albany.


I’ve been posting pictures of the pieces in our set all afternoon/evening over on my Instagram — be sure to check them out!


Be sure to follow the hashtag #ZelieCharityAuction to see all the beautiful items being offered by so many beautiful ladies!

The auction will start at 9am Central (10am Eastern for my part of the country) and will run until midnight CST. Highest bidder wins the set! (And the second- and third-highest bidders on our set will also get a NamePrint from me. 🙂 )


Choosing the fabric for the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction (it’s namey!)

When Theresa and I teamed up for the Zelie & Co. Charity Auction, one of the first things she asked me to do is take a look through her fabric options and let me know if I thought any of them struck me as particularly “Gianna.” What a fun task! I’ve always loved when, for example, shoes have names — I’ve always wondered who gets to decide the names, and how do they do so? And what a fun job that would be! I worked in advertising before I had my boys, and there were a couple of times we were asked to give some time to naming a product — I LOVED those projects. (Are you surprised? 😀 )

So anyway, this was the image of St. Gianna I had in mind when I was looking through fabric swatches:


So I was thinking lighter colors — pinky maybe, or light blue — and Theresa was thinking “classy and feminine,” and one of the fabrics that hit me just right way was the one that she said she was initially drawn to as well! She said it “seems beautiful, classy, understated, and something about the blue chevrons reminds me of the Italian Alps,” which I 100% agree with. She’s paired it with a blush-y pink, and the whole effect is, in my mind, so much the picture of St. Gianna above. The mountains in the background, the blue and pink flowers on her dress … total home run. Be sure to check out the sneak peek she’s given of the fabrics!

Zelie & Co. Charity Auction!

Have you all heard of Zelie and Co.?* It’s a group of independent Catholic Artisans who have teamed up to offer some exclusive sets at great discounts through their Instagram flash sales — it’s a great group to follow on IG if you don’t already!

So this lovely lady, Theresa from Happy Nest Home Goods (she makes beeeaaauuuuutiful things! Check out her etsy shop; she’s also on Instagram), who is one of the immensely talented Zelie & Co. Artisans (and who’s also the mama behind this nickname consultation post from May!), has asked me to partner with her for an exciting upcoming Zelie & Co. event: a 100% fundraiser for some awesome Catholic charities as a way to kick off Lent.

ZelieCharityAuction Logo

Can you guess how honored and humbled and totally thrilled I am to be asked to participate in something so wonderful??!!!

This is how it’s going to go:

Theresa is busy making an exclusive set of items valued at at least $100 retail, and I’m contributing a gift certificate for one of my NamePrint Printables ($25 value), all of which will go up for auction as a set on Mardi Gras (the day before Ash Wednesday, Tuesday Feb. 9) — that’s next Tuesday y’all! Can you believe Lent’s almost here??

You’ll be able to bid on the items from the time they post at 9:00am Central Time (10:00am Eastern, which is my time) until midnight Central Time that same day; the bids will increase by $5 increments, and of course the highest bidder will win the set. Bids will be taken on the Zelie & Co. Instagram page only.

Best of all, 100% of the money will go to the charity of my choice!

Yes! I get to choose the charity! Gianna of Albany, which is my local affiliate of the National Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility™, is founded on the premise that each person is a precious and unique gift from God. It is committed to delivering excellent health care through medical and lifestyle interventions that are consistent with the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services (ERD), including NaProTECHNOLOGY™ (Natural Procreative Technology), a revolutionary women’s health science that respects the dignity of women by working cooperatively with their natural cycles.

Gianna of Albany’s Dr. Jan Patterson has been a huge help and support to me as a Natural Family Planning instructor, and has been a Godsend to women/families I personally know who are/were struggling with infertility and other fertility-related issues; we are so blessed to have her. I really want whatever we raise to support her efforts, so Theresa and I have decided to give the money to PerpetuaLife Care, Inc., which is a 501C3 dedicated to supporting Gianna of Albany. Fittingly, only after I told Theresa of my chosen charity did she share with me that she and her husband had suffered from infertility for the first several years of their marriage and it was thanks to a great NaPro doctor (and, of course, Our Lord!) that they were blessed with their sweet baby boy. So it’s just a perfect fit all around. I am so excited to help mamas and babies and families in this way!

So I’m going to be posting about this a few times over the next week, here on the blog and all my social medias (Twitter and Facebook, and especially Instagram, where all the action will be happening) — including sneak peeks of Theresa’s beautiful items! Please spread the word as much as you can, and I hope you all can participate! As an extra incentive, I’ll also give a customized NamePrint Printable to the second- and third-highest bidders. 🙂

The quick deets:

And please join us in asking St. Zelie and St. Therese for their intercession for the success of this event, for all of the participants, and the charities and the people they serve!

* Of course I had to include the namey bit about Zelie & Co. — I just love this:
We have chosen St. Zelie as our namesake because we think she gets us 😉 St. Zelie was an exquisitely talented lacemaker! And she used her talent and keen intellect to create a very successful business. She built something that was a blessing to her family and at the same time raised Saints! That’s what we all aspire to do!